William Lucas Haines was born on March 26th 2007 at 1:24pm. He weighed in at 6lb 7.5Oz (2.934 kg).
Rachel is recovering well, and is up and mobile already. She is just dying for a decent feed!
So far, William has had a couple of little feeds, and a first bath which he cried through, but his favorite pastime so far is sleeping. He and Dad had a good sleep last night, but Rachel didn't get any sleep at all - must be something about hospitals, as she did the same thing when Amelia was born. (Yes, I did get up during the night to help with nappy changes, feeding, etc - but I'm lucky to be able to get back to sleep very easily)
Charlotte and Amelia came in yesterday to see Mummy, Daddy & William - Charlotte was happy to look at him a few times and showed some interest, but Amelia didn't really care at all - she was far more interested in being carried around the corridors by Papa and Pa! I guess little babies don't rate very highly in the life of a 21 month old.
Tuesday, 27 March 2007
Thursday, 15 March 2007
Pause, Rewind, Replay
Go to the official Rush website, and check out the first single "Far Cry". 'nuff said.
Ever wondered how fast your real internet access is? Go take a SpeedTest. I now need to figure out why my home connection is so slow - in theory it should be able to do 14mpbs, but yesterday I was getting 1mbps at best! The monitored alarm is the most likely culprit. Finding the time to investigate however is another story entirely.
Ever wondered how fast your real internet access is? Go take a SpeedTest. I now need to figure out why my home connection is so slow - in theory it should be able to do 14mpbs, but yesterday I was getting 1mbps at best! The monitored alarm is the most likely culprit. Finding the time to investigate however is another story entirely.
Wednesday, 14 March 2007
Test for Echo...
Well, this is my first ever attempt at blogging. This was prompted by Rob & Candi's cool idea of setting up a CarePage after the recent birth of their 3rd son. It seemed like a nice way to be able to share news without worring about accidentally leaving anyone off of the email chain. Of course, CarePages is somewhat us-centric, so I thought I'd check out what Google had to offer...
Other recent excitement in my life includes:
Other recent excitement in my life includes:
- moving house (yes, we are still unpacking boxes!)
- buying a new VCR/DVD Recorder combo unit yesterday (it's hooked up and playing, haven't tried recording anything yet)
- impaitently waiting for the release of the brand new Rush album "Snakes & Arrows". The first single "Far Cry" is naturally already on YouTube, and lots of news is on RushIsaBand
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